Monday, January 11, 2010


I recently finished the book "Three Feet from Gold" and have begun reading "Outliers" by Malcolm Gladwell. Both books strive to understand what makes one successful. Some feel its keeping the focus in what you believe in and not letting others deviate you off course. Some feel success is the "accumulated advantage." In other words each break in life builds to the next opportunity. And still others believe that success (or lack thereof) can be the culmination of decisions we make along the road.

My experience and belief is that any of these definitions can be right, but like most things in life there is no “one” formula to follow or a roadmap to success. What I have experienced is that success comes from four areas:

Environment (Stars are aligning)
Awareness (recognizing an opportunity)
Creativity (leveraging an opportunity)
Passion & Commitment (Having a desire/belief to succeed)

The other point that is often missed in books and seminars when talking about success is the individuals own definition of success. Most of what we read about is success as it relates to wealth, awards and recognition, but there is success that is less obvious, but just as respected. The accumulated value of these successes is truly immeasurable.

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